Consequences of stress

We need to deal with stress or be prepared to face the consequences of stress.

Stress can ruin your health

Everybody is effected by stress...some stress is good and keeps us motivated and challenged. However, long term stress can do a lot of damage.

Many studies have shown stress causes an increase in symptoms of irritable bowel disease, arthritis and other auto immune disorders. It has been implicated in everything from migraine headaches to cancer.

The effect of stress has been known to impact on our body's cells  and increases our susceptibility to illness or damage due to a weakening of our immune system. 

According to Doctors

In his book "Power over Stress" Dr Kenford M.D. begins a chapter: "Stress can be a Killer" he states:

"As a Family Doctor who deals with stress-related conditions, I have treated hundreds of patients for disorders such as anxiety, depression, panic disorder, tension headache, migraine, abdominal pain, back pain, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and many more." 

"...our reaction to stressors in our lives can bring anxiety, depression, panic disorder, and the like. The idea that stress can also bring on heart attacks, strokes and cancer is a bit more startling, but it's true"

According to Peter G Hanson M.D. from his book The Joy of Stress:

 "It has been estimated that illnesses and accidents related to stress account for three-quarters of all time lost from work. Stress is also indicated in the marjority of cases seen in the Doctor's office, hospital beds, and ultimately the graveyard"

The consequences of not dealing with stress are far reaching and can have a huge impact on us... even more than we may think.

Consequences of stress

Stress can have a huge impact on us and research has shown if not dealt with it can be a factor in all the following:

  • Head cold and sinus problems
  • muscle cramps 
  • tension headaches
  • heart attack and/or stroke
  • kidney disease
  • depression, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia
  • anxiety
  • Variety of gastro intestinal problems (IBS, ulcers, diverticulitis, colitis, gas, heart burn, inflammation of stomach lining)
  • Migraines
  • restless leg sydrome
  • difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Shortened life span
  • Suicide
  • weight loss or gain
  • hypertension
  • premature aging
  • hardening of the arteries
  • cancer

It has even been researched as a factor in many accidental deaths. The accident may not have occurred had the person not been pre-occupied with stressful situations. 

Ahh, the things you learn when you build a website.

Stress is a hassle

I particularily like Karol K Trumans definition of stress in her book "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die". She basically states stress is just hassle after hassle piled up until we feel it is beyond us to have an impact. This really helped me to deal with my own stress and perhaps sharing it with you will help.

As your Coach, I would encourage you to deal with the various hassles before they have a negative impact on your health and develop some stress management tools.

Understanding Stress and your unique reactions and triggers will make a huge difference. It will allow you to move forward and deal with bullying more effectively. You won't  feel like you are being buried by small hassles piled on top of you and you will minimize the consequences of stress. 

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